Friday, March 29, 2013

Routine, Routine, Routine

     Good morning. 
    I think it's a good morning anyway. Hard to tell, as woke up to the phone and the doorbell ringing.  Had to contemplate which to deal with first.  Decided on the phone, cause I didn't really want to get up. Before I could reach over to get it, it stopped ringing.  In the silence, I realized two things at once. It was very quiet, too quiet, and the doorbell had stopped ringing.  I pulled myself out of bed and checked the kids rooms.  Empty...oh crap. 
   Found my seven year old, Cameron, in the kitchen making his own breakfast.  Goldfish, a pop tart and several pieces of peanut butter candy that I thought I had hidden in the fridge.  My four year old was standing on the couch in the living room fighting with his character on skylanders and blaming his brother for getting him killed.  I did not see nor hear my ten year old and was getting very nervous, when Cameron reminded me that she had spent the night with her cousin. 
   OK, just a normal everyday morning minus one kid.  I can deal with this. No problem.  Routine not broken...breakfast, cigarette, get dressed, lunches packed, book bags ready, out the door...oops. Brain's spring break. No to readjust.  OK, breakfast, dress, then cigarette...what after that.  Shit...doorbell again.  Already started.  The neighborhood kids laying siege on my home.  Deep door and smile.  
   Phone ringing...just my husband.  His morning call to determine weather I love him or not today..he would adjust as necessary. 
   Gotta make my list.  Pick up prescription, bank, groceries, then home.  It's a no technology day...or as Cody calls lectric day.  I hate these days as much as the kids sometimes.  No xbox, DS, kindle (unless reading a book. Yeah, right).  Which means for me, no break.

Till next time...
Don't worry about walking in my shoes,
Just try a day thinking in my head!

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