Monday, April 1, 2013

Peanut Butter Fur

    It is definitely past time for me to be in bed.  I have to work tomorrow, which means I have to be at work at 4:30pm and will not get off until 5:30am Wednesday morning.  Hours suck, but I only work two days a week and I can't find another job that pays as well for such few hours.  Of course, my doctor has advised that I stop this schedule...plays hell with your moods, even if they don't jump around like a yo-yo.  I told her as soon as she hired me and payed me as much as I make now, I would quit.  Either that, or she could babysit my kids during the day.  She just shook her head.  So I guess that means I will continue my hell schedule.
    Kids are getting stir crazy and they have only been out of school for three days.  They don't go back until Monday. Not sure if I am going to make it that long.  I think I counted at least six different kids here this afternoon...and that did not count my three.  I have yet to teach my kid's to NOT invite the neighborhood over for dinner.  Once again, I had four additional kids telling me they were hungry.  I opened the front door, and told them to go tell their own mother, cause I really didn't give a crap. I think my daughter was mortified.  Maybe she will remember to ask before inviting next time, But, then again, I doubt it.  I have no idea why they seem to gravitate to my house.  It is definitely not because of my sweet disposition and unfailing sense of humor.  
    Even with all that going on today, I can't relax enough to sleep.  Good thing that with all the kids here today, I have found some interesting ways to keep myself busy.  I found at least four packs of crackers squashed in the sofa cushions... the floor is very sticky near the fridge...I am assuming Kool-aid, but I'm not going to bet on it).  The dog has peanut butter in his fur...(don't ask, I'm not).  And I have at least five loads of laundry piled outside the laundry room.  Add to that, I need to do the dishes, and I have about twelve plastic cups sitting on the counter with kids names on them.  I refuse to wash 30 cups a day...the kids WILL reuse, or they will go home to drink as well as eat.
    I have to force myself to stay out of my daughters room tonight.   Or, I will be cleaning it, again.  She does not like for anything in her room to be  hidden.  Example; dresser drawers...they are to be open and all clothes either draped over the side of the drawer, or spread out on the floor.  CD's can not be in the case, she must lay them out on the floor in front of her radio. Barbies are piled in front of the closet which, of course, has the doors wide open.  Got to be able to see those clothes also.   Drives me crazy....ha.
    Well, guess I am going to get started on the peanut butter fur.  Wish me luck. 

Til next time,
Don't worry about walking in my shoes,
Just try a day thinking in my head.

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