Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Invasion and World Domination

    Well, we gave in.  The new game, "Skylanders Giants" has graced our living room mantel.  There it sits, mocking me.  I can see the glee in the eyes of those animal, robot, witchy things from here.  They have taken over.  They are the masters of this home, and they know it. 
    Cody came home from school yesterday, ran in the living room and picked up the controller.  No request for snack, no begging for a friend, just that damn game.  Later, when two or three friends came over to play, they made a beeline right to the couch.  I had to throw skittles in the yard to get them to go out the door.  Then I locked it...only way to keep them out, and put the key in my pocket.  I sat on the porch to read, and was frightened by what I heard.
    Savannah was Lightcore Chill, Cody was Swarm and Cameron was Tree Rex.  For all of you uninformed, those are all characters in Skylanders.  They were throwing pine cones at each other and telling each other what to say. "Pretend you told The Swarm to kill Tree Rex.  Lightcore Chill has super powers that can melt others on contact.  The Swarm can't kill me, cause I can kill bees with my fire breath ...." oh, my God...they have taken over my kids bodies also.  They have been brain washed.  My kids are no more... those damn animal, robot, witchy things have invaded the earth, disguised as a video game.  Just take a trip to Walmart.  There is Lego Skylanders, stuffed Skylanders, action figure Skylanders...board game Skylanders, toothbrushes, blankets, towels, pajamas, cups,  even a kiddy toilet seat.  Their goal...to overtake the world, one kid at a time.  Parents are helpless to stop this invasion.  I swear, these things are like chuckie dolls.  When everyone is asleep, they crawl out of the hiding place (in my house, that is a basket over the refrigerator) and are found on the mantel again.  Frozen, mocking. 
    They have managed to snare some adults into their trap also.  They program the kids to tempt mom and dad..."you have got to see this...Stump Smash can shoot branches out his butt".  The only weapon I have left...candy.  I used it to try to steal my kids back from this insidious beast.  I was merciless.  The good candy...Hersey bars, Reases cups, Twix...SUCCESS!!  I was able to pry their eyes off the TV, stretch their claw-like hands, and to talk to a real  human, not an animal, robot, witchy thing.  It lasted approximately 6 minutes.

Till next time,
Don't worry about walking in my shoes,
Just try a day thinking in my head.

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