Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A day in the life of insanity... mom style!

    Home...have so much to do, don't know where to start.  Of course I end up running around in circles and getting nothing done...just a whole lot of things started. I have chairs in my garage that need to be painted. I have trim in the living room that only goes around half the room. I have bookshelves (3) that need to be stained, and a garden that is half weeded.  Add to that, the garage looks like a bomb went off and all my closets threaten to start an avalanche every time they are opened, and you have a recipe for manic heaven.  My brain is buzzing....and I haven't  been able to sleep or eat, seems like for days...but I know it hasn't been very long.
    I am writing this blog in shifts, cause I can't keep my brain glued on the same damn topic over a few minutes.  Just finished the dishes, and Aaron is waiting for me to go jump on the trampoline with him...I am going to get a little of this done first.
    Been searching for a topic for today.  Have a few ideas, but nothing jumps out at me.  So, I thought I would try to give you a taste of today, or at least a few hours as seen from my brain.  Should be a slightly frightening thought...
    I'm not sure if I slept at all last night.  I do remember being on the computer at 1:30, but I don't remember getting into bed.  I was in my bed this morning, so at some point I did get there. I start singing on the way to the kids rooms.  I feel scattered, bouncy, and numb (the tingly kind).  This morning is "Light um Up" by Fall Out Boy.  I am not sure whether I am supposed to put quotes around song titles or underline them...hey Lora...let me know, K?   SAIL!  Anyway, the kids start groaning immediately.  But, they are up...with smiles.  This is the fun mom, the one who forgets that someone is grounded and doesn't care when the kids eat junk before dinner. The one who cusses sometimes and acts acts more like a kid then an adult. The one who would rather jump on the trampoline then worry about a messy room. 
    As soon as Cody comes downstairs, I push/pull him into the bathroom.  He is excited.  Today is wacky hair day at school...and mom is in rare form to comply.  Red stripes, enough hair spray to cover all the contestants in the Miss America pageant, 3 ponytails,  and braided rat tail later,  (yes, i am lost in the 80's somewhere) his hair is complete.  Cody is thrilled. Savannah just shakes her head, and Cameron begs me to do his hair the same. Can't do it, because Cameron's hair is too short, but the red stripes are a go.  Even Savannah gets in the spirit, with one red strip down the side of her long hair.
  Still  singing, I make my way to  the kitchen...hmmm. Can't decide what to make, so we do pancakes, breakfast taquitos, eggs and bacon.  Would have been more, but I ran out of time.    Lunches are packed ...with candy in each for a surprise,  and by the door.  Backpacks are lined up in order.  Kids are bouncing off the walls.  My mood is very contagious.  I already know to look for a tally from Cameron today. 
    In the car...with the radio turned up loud, we are all singing the latest Taylor Swift song...daughters choice, not mine.  Savannah and Cameron become quieter as we get closer to school.  Not sure if this is because they don't want to go, or because I am embarrassing them.  I turn off the radio as we pull onto the drive .  Savannah seems relieved.  "Love my babes..Have a good day!" The silence is way too loud. 
    I talk to Cody the entire way to preschool.  The silence is deafening and I have to drown it out. After Cody gets dropped off  at his preschool, the radio will be blaring again.    The director who helps him out of the car laughs at Cody's hair.  Cody skips into the building proudly.
    Got three by the tattoo place.   I want him to work up a picture for my lower back.  Damn, doesn't open till 12:00.  Maybe Chris will watch the kids tonight so I can drive back up here.  I have been texting Chris and Lora often this morning.  I think Chris is hoping to get home soon...(he usually loves this mood) and Lora is worried. worries my Lora!
    I assume you probably can guess why my husband likes this mood...but he also knows the drawbacks and has to walk a very fine line.  The  mood that makes me so fun...and scattered, can turn to rage in an instant.  I am, and always have been very good with control...around the kids.  Chris is my safe place...and as my safe place, he is my punching bag...both literally and figuratively.  He tells me he is up to this role...and thus far, he has not wavered.  It helps that he is a big guy, and I can't actually hurt him. 
    So far, though, no sign of the evil one...I am having trouble keeping my mind on this blog right gonna go take a break.
     Home again.  Matt is drawing up a picture for me and will call when I can come look at it.  Oven on for dinner.  Although I'm not hungry, the rest of my clan is.  Already have three kids over that are not mine....on a school night.  But at this point, as long as they stay out of my way, I don't care.  Gotta go finish the flower garden.  Tomorrow I'll hit the garage.  Maybe tonight I will sleep...but then again, maybe  not.

Til next time,
Don't worry about walking in my shoes,
Just try a day thinking in my head

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