Sunday, April 7, 2013

Beware. Mom with mental disorder!

   Damn if there isn't 10 kids here again.  I finally figured out why the kids congregate at my house.  The are sent!!  Other mom's, who are infinitely smarter then me, send their kids here.  They know I  will watch them. They know I will not go lie down, or watch TV or, God forbid, clean, while they are here. 
    As an anxious parent..I am always outside with them.  If I send my kids out front so the others won't have to go in my backyard, I would be out front also...and then I have to watch for the road. I swear, the parents must be watching out the window, waiting patiently, until they see the first little blond head appear.  No kids but mine, and all of  a sudden ... poof....fifteen miraculously appear.  Of course, I never see a single parent, except my Lora...they are all hidden away, drinking wine, eating bon bons...I can just imagine what that would feel like.  Like most days, Lora and I share a small wave, a defeated shrug from three driveways away.  We share a secret...that we are gullible saps who are incapable of saying the word no.  We both want our children to be happy and have friends at the expense of our sanity, which I didn't have in the first place.  We are hesitant to send our children anywhere else even when invited...which doesn't happen often....because other parents do not meet our standards of supervision.
    Ah, the world of the paranoid parent.  My husband is on outside supervisory duty so I can write.  Of course, I am distracted by the screams, loud bangs, and tattling (doesn't matter if dad is out there...all children have to come in and tell me).  I have just been told that Child A wiped his snot on child B, and child C said that Child B called Child A a girl...cause he has long hair.  Child D is crying cause no one will play with her.   Child E and Child F are swinging on the swing set..(the one that is in danger of falling over) after Chris told them three times it is off limits.  Child G is now throwing sand into Child D's eyes.  Can you follow this..I can't and I 'm living it. 
    You know the funny part?  Child G told me his mom sent him down here because no children are allowed in the house. She just finished cleaning and she is tired.  Well, guess what.  I WORK TONIGHT!!  In fact, I will be leaving for work in about thirty minutes. Want to know the real hilarious part?  Most of these parents know I work nights. 
    Tomorrow, I will get home from work, pack up the backpacks and lunches, get kids dressed, brushed and fed and get them to their respective schools.  I will get home around 10:00.  If I don't have any errands to do, I will hopefully get in my bed...won't fall asleep until around 11:00. ( You would think it would be easy to fall asleep when you have been up 28 hours, but my body rebels.  It says, "Oh, no you don't.  You think you can keep me up this long and then just pass out.  Well, I'll show you!" )
    So, at 12:30, my alarm goes off.  Time to pick up Cody from pre-school.  If I am lucky, he will absorb himself in a video game (yeah, I know), so I can at least sit still.  But, usually, he is on full throttle since he has had to behave himself for four hours straight.  3:30 comes quickly.  Pick other two up...homework, feed, dress, then off to baseball game.  If you have read my previous posts, then you know how fun baseball games can be.  I can manage this schedule for about a week, then I crash, and when I crash, I crash hard. 
    Where is Chris?  He is working a second job to pay off some of our debt.  Another of the wonderful byproducts of a manic episode.
    I now have twelve kids in my house and in my yard, and haven't heard from a single parent.  Not one.  Maybe if I let it slip that I have a mental may decrease that number.  Yeah, i could use the ignorance and phobia to my advantage.  Now, THERE is a novel idea....
    Got to get to work.  I bet Chris will send all the kids home when I leave.  He is a little more intelligent then I am.  That, and he has no problem saying the word NO. 

Til next time,
Don't worry about walking in my shoes,
Just try a day thinking in my  head.


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