Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Disaster Strikes!

    This morning, we had a calamity, a catastrophe, a horrifyingly awful event. My youngest, Cody, broke the Skylanders CD. Yes,you heard me correctly, broke... it... in... half. You can just imagine the drama, the wailing, the threats that came from Cameron. Of course, as usual when something of this magnitude happens, I was upstairs in the shower. Once again, I run/trip/fall down the stairs. (you would think I would have learned by now),  in a towel, soap still in my hair. Cody is staring at Cameron like he had lost his mind. I was staring at both of them like they had both lost their minds. Honest truth...Cody's excuse? "They make them out of tape now instead of ear wax so they break easier." I actually got a very small, quick grin from Cameron, as he saw my suppression of laughter. Then, the drama continued.
    Skylanders was Cameron's big Christmas present.  Of course, all the kids used it, but he knew it was REALLY  his. I comforted him like he had lost his best friend. He had to call dad, of course. He had to get all the sympathy he could...and he couldn't wait to see what Cody's punishment would be. Daddy saved the day...Cameron would get a new Skylanders game...and probably upgrade to the Giants version. Great, wonderful, awesome...(in case you missed it..that was sarcasm). Cody would not be able to play anything on the Xbox for two weeks. To a four year old, that might as well be two years. Of course, Cody could not handle this. He thought mom and dad would just use the standard line.."he is just a little kid, he didn't know better". Those days are gone.    I  caught the ha ha face sent Cameron's way when he thought I wasn't looking. That was his first mistake. The second? Telling Cameron that he would break his DS also, if he didn't let him play his new Skylanders. The boy doesn't have much common sense.
    With the disaster diverted, I returned to my shower, almost slipping as I navigated the wet bathroom floor. Can't I have one normal, calm morning? I heard the bathroom door open, and a moment later, Savannah's face was pressed against the shower door. "Hey mom, Cody is putting the star wars game in the Xbox." Great...the tattling begins. Will have to lock up the Xbox games. Of course, first I have to find a lock that Cody can't open. I give up, legs and underarms are not getting shaved today. Chris will just have to deal with the natural look. It is now almost 8:00.  We have to leave in 20 minutes.  Cody is still in his PJ's.  Savannah looks like she put a finger in an electrical socket, and Cameron has a koolaid mustache from last night that looks permanent.  I also have not fed them.  Pop tarts...can brush hair while Savannah is eating, and with the other hand, scrub Cameron's face with a wet wipe.  Any complaining will be met with my standard threat..."Would you rather me use mommy spit?'  That shut him up.  Cody,of course, refused to get dressed on his own.  So, throw him in the car, clothes in the front seat along with finger nail clippers (noticed they were lethal weapons which may not be allowed in school), and belted Cody in. Then I realized I was missing a kid.
    Savannah was in her room, putting on eye shadow.  What the hell?   Another wet wipe later and we were in the car.  I turn over the key...and nothing.  Good God, what else this morning.  I put my head on the steering wheel and was about ready to let loose a really long string of profanities...let me try one more time.  Engine caught.  Not funny God...really not funny!
   Wasn't till I dropped Savannah and Cameron off at school that I could exhale all the way.  Of course, looking at the clock, I realized I might be late for Cody's school.  Raced to the church, with a few minutes to spare.  Looked in the back seat, and ....yup, Cody is still in his PJ's with a DS in his hands.
    I think I dressed him in record time.  I do believe the director was watching me with disapproval.  I could feel her eyes on my back.  Oh, well.  Finger nails are going to have to wait.  Just have to hope he doesn't put someones eye out. 
    Done...for three hours at least.  Oops, already 11:00  Did it really take me an hour to write this?   I now  have less then one hour to recoup and start again.  No Skylanders.  Oh, gonna be quite an afternoon. 

Til next time,
Don't worry about walking in my shoes,
Just try a day in my head.

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