Sunday, April 7, 2013


    Cameron had a baseball game today. It was interesting to say the least...but not because of Cameron.  He is a natural. He can hit, catch, throw...and it was a great game.  I think, since I didn't see much of it.  I am very proud of him.
    Cody...not so much.  In between eating some ladies nachos, taking a little boy's toy, and spitting gum on the field, he was running up and down the bleachers singing "I'm Sexy and I Know It".  He  almost gave some lady a heart attack.  She asked if I was aware he could hurt himself.  I don't think she thought it was funny when I responded..."One can only hope".  Next time, I may have to bring a leash. I hope that same lady isn't there.  I don't know why she was so upset...he didn't eat HER nachos
    Anyway, we made it home...without any blood, (so there, old lady).  We had invited some friends over for a cook-out tonight.  Chris offered to go to the grocery store to pick up some burgers and dogs.  He left...three kids.  He returned...eleven boys between the age of four and seven, and three girls between the age of ten and thirteen. Not sure how that happened. You can forget about the girls helping to watch the boys...they were upstairs locked in Savannah's room with "One Direction"     blaring on the radio. 
    The boys were outside, at least at first, jumping on the trampoline, wrestling, chasing, throwing...having a good time while causing me at least ten anxiety attacks.  I was absolutely sure I would be calling EMS.  I heard Chris pull up in the driveway up front, so I ran through the house to the front porch in time to see his eyes as he absorbed how MANY bikes, scooters, and skateboards were on and around the driveway.  I swear, if he hadn't seen me, he would have gotten back in his car. 
    We did OK, for about an hour...then all of a sudden...I'm not quite sure how or why but, all the boys were in my living room.  I didn't know my living room could hold so many kids.  I think there were eight on the sofa alone.  Playing....oh, go ahead and guess,....yup.....Skylanders.  I knew it was just a matter of minutes before the fighting began.  Two controllers, eleven was inevitable.  And unlike girls, who can fight dirty without a fist...boys can wreck a house in record time it they get bored or, as in this case, mad.  Of course, I do have my secret weapon.  I can yell loud enough to shake the windows of the neighbors house.  All I have to say is "EVERYBODY OUT!!!" and the room empties faster then a pool after a diaper malfunction.  I still have no idea why the kids gravitate here. Lora's house?  I understand.  She feeds them... (which I won't), and in the summer, she has the pool, (which I don't), plus...she is nice...usually.  I hope I figure it I can stop it.
    Had fun at the cook out tonight.We had some good friends over, Lora (of course) and Kip, (haha)  and their four kids, plus Davida, Eric and their two boys.  So, more kids, more noise, more chaos.
    The good... we finally got the sock to fall, that has been hanging off the gutter, twenty five feet up. (thank you Kip).  It only took about 45 football throws to do it.  I guess I will see tomorrow, in the light, if my siding survived the onslaught.  I think that sock has been up there for a year or so. 
    The bad... I realized that I really do need to replace the playground set.  With nine children on it, it tends to rock and sway and have way to many sound effects for my taste.  In my mind I could see the screaming and crying... from me....and then the kids laughing, and asking if they could do that again, as they picked themselves off the ground, so....had to kick the kids off.  Kip swore he would help my husband build a new one.  He already made a very rough sketch for me....but since my husbands area of expertise is definitely NOT building things, Kip knows he will have to at least supervise.  Or risk his children's lives every time they come over to play.
        Now the house is quiet. Feels empty.  The boys fell asleep some time ago, and Savannah is in her room with her radio going...quietly.  She knows I can stand just so much "One Direction".  I thought I wanted the quiet all day, but now that I have it, I realize I miss the chaos and the noise.  Sometimes the noise outside helps me prevent obsessing, and quiets the roar.  That is not an invitation to drop off kids at my house every day...after all, fourteen is my limit, but who knew having fourteen kids in the house could be therapeutic. hmmm.

Til next time,
Dont worry about walking in my shoes,
Just try a day thinking in my head.

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