Monday, May 6, 2013

Inventive Activites

    It's raining...again.  I am so sick of this rain, and cold, and more rain, interrupted by a day or two of cold rain.  It is like spring is teasing us...some sick mental game of hide and seek. Like most people, I guess, the weather can effect my mood.  I can also tell it makes my kids cranky.  Kids are programed with a need for sunlight.  They need exercise, and when they can not get outside...they start to come up with ways to burn off the excess energy.  My youngest, Cody, and his friend Aidan found some very inventive ways to get some inside exercise.
1.  Jump off the sofa into a bean bag and pretend to be skydiving (just waiting for the explosion of tiny beads when one pops)
2.  Use a top to a storage bin, and ride it down the stairs (now come on, who hasn't tried that one?)
3.  Using drum sticks to sword fight (by the way, drum sticks hurt)
4.  Throwing play dough up to the ceiling and seeing if it will stick (it will...and the color doesn't come off)
5.  Filling the tub up with water and pretend to be rescuing action figures (or drowning them...not sure which)
6.  Burying themselves in laundry to play hide and seek (lucky for them, it was clean; unlucky for me, now it has to be cleaned again)
7.  Rolling each other up in blankets to make human burritos (and then laughing at each other when they can't get out)
8.  Running through the house at top speed and jumping obstacles (brother, sister, dogs, chairs...only a few were damaged)
9.  Making interesting food concoctions and daring each other to eat it  (coke, pineapple juice and peanut butter smoothie, anyone)
10. Playing dress up with sisters clothes and make up and putting on a concert. (so glad their dads weren't here to see that)

Me?  Haven't come up with many ideas.  Would love to read a book, but with all the above going on, I am afraid I may be trampled, jumped on or drowned.  So, I guess I will start the laundry...or finish the I can start it again.  Too bad I can't call up a manic mood on demand...I could join um.
Don't worry about walking in my shoes,
Just try a day thinking in my head.

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